got textile & apparel waste?

we supply diversion & resale & measure the impact

we believe legislation is a key to leveling the sustainable fashion landscape, and so we have developed a global textile legislation repository and help brands and retailers navigate and prioritize actions to prepare and comply.

about us

we provide textile & apparel waste diversion, resale, legislative & sustainability consulting services.

with a 30+ year background in design & production, our modern understanding of and work on climate change through study, analysis, and active systems transformation is quickly impacting fashion’s environmental footprint, one brand at a time, one action at a time.

in partnership with a major university law center in NYC and the manhattan solid waste advisory board, we are launching a legislative awareness and prioritization advisory service whose goal is helping manufacturers and brands confidently address and comply with the impending onslaught of global textile regulations.

in a sea of choices with little outside guidance, we help you see the big picture.

we focus you and prioritize what actions to take, when, how, and why.

a new fashion vocabulary

it began with the term “organic”

now we navigate an enormous and growing dictionary of challenging concepts and disciplines, many under development with evolving definitions:

sustainability, circularity, circular business models, durability, reuse, resale, upcycling, rental, visible mending, regenerative agriculture, thirsty crops, carbon sinks, ghgs, methane, emissions, effluent, water usage, public utilities, toxic chemicals, forever chemicals, PFAS, natural dyes, ancient forests, the Amazon, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, clear cutting, bio diversity, bio degradability, composting, mushroom mycelium, fruit leather, vegan leather, cellulosics, fossil fuel derived synthetics, carcinogens, hormone disruptors, micro plastics, shedding, washing machine filters, plastic packaging, single use plastics, bags bans, paper vs. plastic, reusable totes, take back programs, textile collection, textile sortation, mechanical recycling, textile to textile recycling, infrastructure investment, public private partnerships, eco-modulation, systems thinking, cradle to cradle, designing for circularity, international shipping, last mile logistics, dry cleaning, environmental footprints, unintended consequences, Kantamanto, Atacama, the global south, over production, over consumption, fast fashion, social media influencers, garment hauls, TikTok, greenwashing, on-demand manufacturing, slow fashion, collusion, PROs, EPR, supply chain mapping, science based targets, ipcc reporting, data collection, transparency and collaboration, digital product passports, human rights, labor practices, child labor, forced labor, modern slavery, sex trafficking, cultural misappropriation, 3D design, digital printing, virtual fashion, AR, AI, the Higg Index, spandex alternatives, waste pickers.

let’s talk about your waste

whether you’re looking for a way to manage your design, production, sales sample and e-commerce wastes or concerned about regulatory compliance here and abroad, we can help you strategize and implement plans to achieve your sustainable goals.

Talk trash with us, it won’t be a waste!